So I made the mistake of attempting to get 2FA setup to login to my Ubuntu MATE laptop (i.e.: How to Set Up 2-Factor Authentication for Login and sudo). Well, that didn’t go well. I’m pretty sure I had the same problem this time around as the last time — since my Home directory is encrypted, login couldn’t read the Google Authenticator config from my ~/.config/. Ended up locking myself out of my system, couldn’t access my encrypted home drive & ended up blowing my system away. Fortunately, I don’t usually save oo much to my local drive (for reasons like this) but I did lose some simple image work I was doing, so that kind of sucks…

Regardless: learned my lesson & will not be messing with 2FA on login for the foreseeable future =]

S Symbol: White: Cyan Glow
Recreating some of the icons I was working on before the wipe.