Yesterday it was revealed that macOS has a critical bug that allows any user with physical access to a device, to login as the root user with no password. I have tested this myself, via the process below:

In order to fix this issue, you must change the root password through the Directory Utility. Open the app, hit the lock [ ? ] to enter your credentials (or use the root exploit again) then go to Edit > Change Root Password... NOTE: You MUST choose to change the password. Simply disabling the root account does not correct the issue. If you disable the account, running through the same process for the exploit reactivates the root account without a password.

Bryan Krebs has made a post about this as well: Krebs on Security: MacOS High Sierra Users: Change Root Password Now.

And since creating pretty logos for exploit seems to be a thing now...: [caption id="attachment_118" align="aligncenter" width="739"]macOS ro0t macOS root Vulnerability exploit logo.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_117" align="aligncenter" width="739"]macOS ro0ted macOS root Vulnerability exploit logo.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_116" align="aligncenter" width="739"]macOS root macOS root Vulnerability exploit logo.[/caption]